Northwest Music Scene Announces the “Northwest Top 5”
Does your band have what it takes to make it into the Northwest Top 5? Do you have a rabid fanbase? If you answered yes to either of those questions, this is your opportunity to earn top billing on the front page of one of the most popular and fastest growing music sites on the internet. What’s in it for you? Exposure with a capital ‘E’. By default, you’ll receive a mention on one of the biggest music related Facebook pages in the Northwest, as well as other great perks and incentives. Voting for the Northwest Top 5 is already open! Submit your album today to be considered for the next round of weekly voting!
About the Northwest Top 5:
The Northwest Top 5 was created as a measuring stick to gauge the popularity of regional bands in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. The decision to place (or not place) any band into voting falls solely on the slumped shoulders of the hacks that write for Project Music Scene’s websites. If this method doesn’t work out, we have a troop of trained monkeys that will make the decision. (Actually that’s redundant; our hacks are a troop of trained monkeys). We cannot be bought, and this is a highly unscientific chart, but we do vow to do our best in representing the best in Northwest music. Of course, social media and websites will play a huge role in where your band ranks, so if you want to expose your band to thousands of new, potential fans… well, you know what to do.
We do have a few simple rules for placement:
- Your band must be local to the Pacific Northwest. We will make that call, but if your band is based in Cleveland, we most likely will not consider you Pacific Northwest.
- The album must be a legitimate 2011 release. When we say legitimate, we mean it has to be product that has been released for public consumption. Once again, our staff will make that call.
- Album artwork should be sent to in .jpg or .png format. You do have artwork, don’t you? If not, you should. The web is a visual media.
- Be sure to include several key pieces of information on your album: the album’s release date, the band name, members of the band and their instruments (if applicable), and a URL link of whatever site you would like fans directed to. Send this information, with the artwork, to Trust us, you want people to find you. This information helps.
- Placement on the site may take up to 3-days, so bear with us. We promise we’ll get to it as soon as we fuel up on bananas.
- The method for selecting each week’s winner is 100% automated. Our algorithm calculates a winner on Sunday night of each week, taking consideration from fan votes, comments on album’s pages, views, and other aggregate data. Despite being very technical sounding, the key word to take away is ‘unscientific.’ It’s incredibly hard to teach science to hacks and monkeys.