22 Bands in 22 Days – Unwilling Participant

Unwilling Participant - Our Bodies Will burn Like Sage album coverBand: Unwilling Participant

Charlie “Goatface Killah” Kruger – Voice, Throat, Impressions, Beard
Victor “Puggy Hams” Hamilton – Bass, Feedback, Funny Faces, Beard (or some sort of facial hair thing… but help us make him grow out that gnarly face dragon again!
Ian “The Wicked Rainbringer” Lind – Drums, Drumming Sound Effects, Looking Sexy In Flash Gordon Pants, Beard
Jared “Lazerbeak 5000” Blair – Guitar, Noise, Jovial Attitude, Beard

About Unwilling Participant:
Unwilling Participant hails from Olympia, Washington and started out in September of 2010 as a three piece with Vic on guitars, Charlie on Bass/Vox, and Ian on Drums; the addition of Jared on Guitars switched Victor over to Bass and then BAMN, the new incarnation was born. In June of 2011 Jared departed for his hometown of Marysville and Ian decided that adding a flautist and female vocals to a new incarnation of the band was a good idea. It wasn’t, not for Charlie and Vic anyway, who, after a billion false starts, are currently trying out members for a new hardcore project whose name is yet to be determined.

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