Four Emerging Choreographers to Showcase New Multimedia Works with DUST in February
DUST presents an evening of original works from four Seattle-based artists. Featuring four emerging choreographers — Daniel Costa, Kimberly Holloway, Emma Hreljanovic, and Ashleigh Miller— the bill offers an exciting palette of new dance. Each choreographer explores their craft through multiple lenses: music, poetry, kung-fu, film, and mixed media. The resulting program brims with athleticism, imagery, and soundscape.
Daniel Costa’s new work “Interposition” (working title) transposes themes he utilized in a recent dance film through V2 Dance + Film Residency to a concert dance setting. With original composition by Travis Corwin, mixed with vocals by dancer Alicia Pugh, Interposition works from personal narratives surrounding a decision to take action, and examines the after-effects of that action. Interposition continues Costa’s choreographic exploration of highly athletic physicality rooted in the blending and deconstruction of technical genres.
“Yessir” by Kimberly Holloway is a personal exploration of family, resilience, and the effects of control. Set to original music by Caleb Talbert, Yessir pairs emotionally visceral movement with technical articulations to create abstract narratives based on Holloway’s experiences. Holloway grew up as the observer, witnessing the effects of emotional control, with Yessir she tells her story. Yessir invites the audience to journey through these narratives and into a vision of hope for the future. Holloway will also be hosting a workshop with counselor Lisa Fann at the Fremont Abbey on January 14, 2017, that explores the healing that comes from entering and expressing one’s own narrative. The workshop will be comprised of a discussion, an all-levels movement class, and a performance of an excerpt of Yessir.
“You May Miss Something,” by Emma Hreljanovic, incorporates Abnormal Psychology and Freud’s original model of how our minds are constructed. Freud believes in the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. The Id is our primitive thoughts and desires; our impulsive body. The Ego is our realistic perspective, observations, and receptivity. Lastly, the Superego is our moral conscience; a voice saying what is wrong or right. These three constructs are represented as characters, each exploring different movement qualities. They whisper and taunt each other; they teach and learn from each other; they coexist in one space, one body.
For the past year and a half, Ashleigh Miller’s work has been focused around psychology and individualized consciousness. The excerpts of Brain Is a Radio presented in DUST harness research of these thematic elements and expand them into explorations of specific cognitive and emotional states of individuals. It utilizes visceral, movement-based performance tasks surrounded by psychoacoustic sound designs and illusory multimedia effects. This piece will be in-progress excerpts of a larger installation which will take place at Velocity in the spring of 2017.
The performances will feature the musical works of Floraform, Travis Corwin, Nico Tower, and Caleb Talbert of Cold Water Theater.
Tickets to the event are priced at $18.00 for students and seniors, $20.00 general advance, and $25.00 at the door. Tickets can be purchased through Brown Paper Tickets.